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177 listings found for 'free energy' in Listings

Colin R. Turner
Colin R. Turner (42) Level 3 member
4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars
 Wexford, Ireland  over a year ago

[OFFER] Free, green web hosting — I can offer high speed, green energy, semi-dedicated hosting for anyone with a great project that they need to put online. For more information and specs, check out wildhost.co.uk. Send me some information about your project please.

 Wexford, Ireland  over a year ago


John Jones
John Jones
 Ontario, Canada  over a year ago

[OFFER] EFT Service — EFT, 'Emotional Freedom Techniques' is an energy therapy that works on/helps alleviate both physical and emotional pain.

 Ontario, Canada  over a year ago


Lisa Stewart
Lisa Stewart
 WA, Australia  over a year ago

[OFFER] 1 hour Reiki Session — Recently completed Reiki Masters but have no facilities to practice in yet. I'm offering free Reiki sessions at the beach. Rockingham area

 WA, Australia  over a year ago


Lama Gyatso
Lama Gyatso (9) Level 3 member
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 California, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Self Publishing Mentoring — Dear free world-ers I have met, and have yet to meet, every day I write about a thousand words of prose and poetry. I'd like to publish them annually as a kindle and a paperback, but I have neither the time nor the energy to rummage around the labyrinth that is the KDP site. If you have some experience with this would you please mentor me through the process? Thank You :-)

 California, United States  over a year ago


Diane Bondurant
Diane Bondurant
 AZ, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Bemer Session — Experience Bemer, the pulse electro magnetic frequency that increases circulation by up to 30% in 8 minutes, boosts your immune system and gives the body the jump start it needs to heal itself in many cases. Bemer is a pad that you lay on-it has coils inside it that generate a frequency that the body's capillaries respond to by opening wide and increasing blood flow. I offer 1 free 8-16 minute session so people can experience Bemer for themselves. Please call to schedule session.602-295-3038.

 AZ, United States  over a year ago


Glenn Harrold
Glenn Harrold (2) Level 2 member
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 Spain, Spain  over a year ago

[OFFER] Meditation Recordings by Glenn Harrold — These professional meditation recordings have been downloaded and streamed over 10 million times. Enjoy them for free: https://www.glennharrold.com/solfeggio/download-nosignup.html https://www.glennharrold.com/mindfulness/download-nosignup.html https://www.glennharrold.com/relax/download-nosignup.html

 Spain, Spain  over a year ago


Yiskah Reid
Yiskah Reid (2) Level 2 member
 Ozarks, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Land Stewardships — We are offering lifetime leases for those who wish to join a village in the Ozarks region with a plan to transition away from a dependence on currencies. Together we can accomplish a great deal of progress with the 20 year plan for all of the participants involved. There are multitudes of opportunities for agorism, skills and trades, production of Bio-Char, foods and goods like pottery, baskets, leather goods, mushrooms and more. We have interest in developing overunity devices to produce energy with the idea our food and power becae freely available for all active contributors within this ‘Ubuntu’ styled Village. This is an effort designed to positively impact the entire Ozarks region. It is not an exclusive endeavor and will require branching out and working with multitudes from surrounding towns and villages. No one will pay your way for you. You are responsible for your own incurred costs. This offer is for one free lifetime lease located on a large property (currently in disre

 Ozarks, United States  over a year ago


Cane Kostovski
Cane Kostovski
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 Michigan, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Web Site Design — Web site design and knowledge about hosting prices. There is a free hosting service without advertisements located in Germany where I have my website

 Michigan, United States  over a year ago


Kongjak Jaidee
Kongjak Jaidee
 Si Sa Ket province, Thailand  over a year ago

[OFFER] Free Teaching on English, Thai, Computer, GIS, etc. — Teaching for free on English, Thai, Computer, GIS, etc. at United World Pavilion (near United World Monument) every Saturday and Sunday from 13:00-15:00.

 Si Sa Ket province, Thailand  over a year ago


Haltom Family Ministries and Consultants
Haltom Family Ministries and Consultants
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 Tennessee, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Personal Corporation Number — I will walk you through how to create an entity with your own free-will that you can control aside of or instead of carrying the weight of the PERSON you were assigned with your BIRTH CERTIFICATE and SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION no. -ENTITY (n.) 1 a : being, existence; especially : independent, separate, or self-contained existence b : the existence of a thing as contrasted with its attributes 2 : something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality 3 : an organization (such as a business or governmental unit) that has an identity separate from those of its members // Entification - (v.) "The action of giving objective existence to something" An entity is something that exists as itself, as a subject or as an object, actually or potentially, concretely or abstractly, physically or not. It need not be of material existence. In particular, abstractions and legal fictions are usually regarded as entities. "Entities" are simply "things that are." Whether they obtain a "conceptual reality," "distinct existence," or any level of "personification" is entirely up to the creator. Entities have been created by people since ancient times and it has been a hidden subject up until now. The reason why it should seem appropriate to expose this truth now is that we have unseen friends and enemies. There is a realm of actual beings that the human eye is not capable of seeing. Some call this another dimension, but let's not into that. The plain English truth is that the human eye is only able to see a fraction of the spectrum of light. Which is to say that there are PHYSICAL things and beings that we just cannot see! Therefore, let us leave the whole dimensions subject alone. Entities are seemingly sentient, subjectively experienced as a separate being with their own agency, emotions, preferences, thoughts, and character. They can be likened to a separate mental consciousness, existing alongside it's creator. Entities are the product of intentional creation, starting with an idea of their characteristics, and developed and capable of meaningful interaction through meditation, focus and practice. So then, after you have finished with all of the details for building your own entity or entities, it is time to bring it to life and send it on its way to manifest your hearts' desires.

 Tennessee, United States  over a year ago


Leanna Lewis
Leanna Lewis
 WA, Australia  over a year ago

[OFFER] Recumbent Bicycle — Recumbent exercise bicycle. mint condition, just needs batteries for screen. Older model no lcd screen. Free to keep. Pick up no delivery.

 WA, Australia  over a year ago


Yogesh Suresh
Yogesh Suresh
 Karnataka, India  over a year ago

[OFFER] Ukiyo - conversation with a friend — Ukiyo the bubble - 'a floating world' - living in the moment, detached from the bothers of life. a place where you can express your thoughts and feelings, a place where you can be free. Ukiyo is a super safe non-judgemental space where you can have organic, free flowing conversations with me. Ukiyo is a space for you to be your authentic self, a space where you can unapologetically talk about how it is to be YOU. Ukiyo is a space where the focus is on you. Your life, your journey, you. A space where you are heard and understood. Ukiyo is a space where you don’t need to hold back, a space where you can let go. A space for you to vent, for you to speak your mind out.

 Karnataka, India  over a year ago


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